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Camp House Sprawl

Built originally as a camp house on the lake around 1900, the project has been phased over the last few years, and has been a total property transformation. First the existing house was gutted and renovated. Opening up the floor plan and creating new spaces with the character of the original house. Then the expansions: Taking advantage of the site we carved in a new driveway to create an entrance procession to the new garage, and the new main entry. The garage is linked to the main house through a 2 story bridge which brings the two levels of the exterior, and the three different interior levels together in one space; The new main entry and exterior covered porch put a new twist on features that had been part of the original home in different forms. The sprawl, the curves, and the angles of the newly added spaces help bring todays version of the home together with yesterdays. The exterior materials help to tell the story of the century old property and its growth over the years.